We have a couple of updates for this week. Each day is bringing more information and progress toward our goal of having a swim season in 2020. Please review the info carefully and take appropriate action to keep moving forward.
First. we received updated guidance from the CDC regarding steps for providing a safer environment for your pool once it hopefully opens. Those guidelines can be found at . These steps will likely be ones factored in by the state of Georgia and local health officials, but this will give you more info to help plan accordingly. Your pool management companies should already be taking steps to ensure they follow these guidelines, but you will want to coordinate with them to do all that you can to safeguard your facility and teams.
The other update is in regard to the ASA waiver for 2020. As I referenced in last week’s Zoom meetings, we are updating our league waiver. I have included a link to the waiver here (insert link here). I have spoken with Active Network, Swimtopia and Team Unify about steps to handle this new waiver. That information is listed below.
Please note, any swimmers who have registered up to this point will need to sign off on the updated waiver to participate this season. Teams will need to factor in the new waiver into their current registration, so all sign ups moving forward will include the updated language. I encourage you all to update your own team’s waivers to include COVID specific language as an added measure of protection for your neighborhoods and teams. The steps to manage this process are listed below.
Swimtopia Waiver Update Instructions
Instructions for New Registrations
Step 1 – Log into your Swimtopia team page and go to the section for Registration via the Manage Team link. Select the 2020 season and click on Edit.
Step 2 – Scroll down to the Acknowledgement Section and Remove the section for ASA Waiver with Fees
Step 3 – Click on Remove Section
Step 4 – Click on Add to Form
Step 5 – Scroll to Bottom of Page and Click Save
Instructions for Existing Registrations
- Create a new registration form without fees and with the new acknowledgement and make that form private
- Reject the registrations that used the old form (this will make it so they don’t have to re-enter their athletes’ info)
- Use the “Registration Details” Report with only the “Rejected” status selected to create an email and paste the link to the new form from step 1 with instructions and so on
If you have further questions about Swimtopia, contact Elli Overton (877) 856-2940 ext 709
Team Unify Waiver Update Instructions
For New Registrations
- Go to Registration Admin.
- Chameleon users: In the side menu click Team Admin> Registration Admin.
- New CMS users: In the side menu click Team Tools> Registration Admin.
- Click the title of your current registration to open up the setup
- Select the Atlanta Swim Association agreement tab located at the bottom of this screen (labeled Agmt #).
- Copy and Paste the new waiver into the appropriate waiver tab or manually enter the text.
- Important: Update the title of the waiver to Atlanta Swim Association- COVID-19 Update. This will show the distinction between who signed the previous version of the waiver and the new one.
- Click Save Changes.
For Existing Registrations
Once a member has gone through the current registration they cannot go through it again.
So the team would need to setup a 2nd very simple registration turning off most of the fields and setting the fee to 0.
Add the new waiver into the agreement field
If you have further questions about the process for Team Unify, please contact
Liz Fizer
Senior Account Manager
541-306-4431 |
Active Network Waiver Update Instructions
Contact their account manager for specific steps to update your registration is info is as follows.
Zach Whitman
Associate Account Manager
Need to schedule a time to call and talk? Click the Calendly link below!
Below is a recap of last week’s update, along with links to the Zoom meetings and the Google doc to provide ASA with your team’s status update. If you have not had a chance to review that info I encourage you to do so.
May 7 Update
Thank you for taking part in our first virtual meetings. Special thanks to Matt Murphy and Evan Nylander for helping coordinate the technology. We covered a lot of important information and hopefully gave useful insight on where we stand at this point. Thank you for all of your insightful questions, I think they provided added perspective for everyone. While there is a lot of info covered, it is still is a fluid situation and other measures may come into play based on advice from health officials. What is provided here is by no means comprehensive, but it is as much info that we can currently provide.
For those of you who were unable to participate the links to the meetings can be found at (Monday’s Meeting) and (Wednesday’s Meeting). We covered the same info in both sessions, but the Q&A sessions at the end of each meeting are different. The Power Point presentation we used for the meeting can be accessed by clicking on (insert link here). I have created a recap of the Q&A sessions from the 2 meetings and summarized them (insert link here). Finally, a couple of teams asked me to provide an update they can share with their families, that can be found by clicking on (insert link here). You are welcome to share any, and all items from our meeting with your families.
Please be sure to complete the Google form to give us an update on your team’s situation for the 2020 season at the following link . Talk to your community before your complete this info, it is crucial in providing us with accurate info. We need this to be done no later than May 20. It is crucial we hear from ALL teams in the league, please make sure you take care of this by May 20.
This form will let us know your team’s status for this season, as well as some important info about your team that we will need for our new normal. Please remember, your reply on your team’s status as having a team or not having a team for 2020 is not binding, that status can change at any time give your team’s situation. You are not locked into your reply, we understand everyone’s situation is fluid, we just want your best estimate at this point.
As we referenced in the presentation, we will be updating the ASA waiver to include COVID 19 specific language. We should have that completed by early next week and will forward that to teams once we do. This will need to be signed all families, including those who have already registered for the season. We will provide instructions on how to include this for each registration platform when we send out the updated waiver. Teams should strongly consider updating their own team waiver language to include COVID specific information.
Thank you again for your patience throughout this situation. Your support and desire to make the swim season a reality mean the world to the league and all of your families. I remain optimistic we
will make this happen and hope to see you on deck this summer.
Take care and stay healthy,